The best places for summer campaigns in the mountains 


Even though many winter sports enthusiasts will still be heading to the ski resorts for spring skiing in the coming weeks, the mountain regions will be starting the summer season in just three months' time! And just like in winter, sitour offers the best out-of-home media for target group-specific campaigns in the mountains in the unique nature and adventure world of alpine summer destinations.

Brands and advertising messages reach nature lovers, mountain sports enthusiasts, recreation seekers and adventurers away from the stress of everyday life in a carefree leisure environment. In Austria alone, around 60,000 analog and digital advertising media are available in this attractive environment at selected, highly frequented locations at and in the cable car stations.

Our video shows the diverse placement options for summer campaigns in the mountains!

Whether analog Poster, Megaboard, backlit Impact, Panorama Info System, Ski Run Signage System, Ski Lift Entry Gate or digital advertising medium, sitour's summer advertising spaces achieve up to 500 million contacts, extraordinary brand awareness, above-average recall values and the positive image transfer of the mountain world.

For an effective national, regional or local summer campaign, our media consultants provide support with the concept and put together the right, tailor-made media mix for every budget.


personal campaign advice

Ph: +43 512 24805-0